Anxiety is something that can disrupt your daily life, make you miss out on the things you love, and prevent you from performing to standards at work. But how do you know where the line is between normal anxious feelings and an anxiety disorder that needs professional attention? Here are a few key differences that may help you better understand your symptoms.
Did you know that, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), there are about 40 million adults in the United States who suffer from severe anxiety disorders in any given year? And only 18% of those people actually ask for help and seek treatment options. This could be due to a variety of factors, but one prominent reason is that these individuals may brush off the fear or worry as a normal emotion and think nothing of it.
Anxious feelings are a normal human emotion that propel us to act, and every person will experience trace amounts of anxiety in their life. The important thing here, however, is to ask whether the fear response is in direct proportion with the threat or scenario. Under stressful circumstances, like a public speaking event, a job interview, or the day before you propose to your wife, it is only natural to feel some nerves.
If you are aware of your anxiety and can typically control your emotions and assure yourself that everything will be fine, then you are likely experiencing a natural emotion.
On the other hand, if your feelings are controlling you, you may need to think about seeking help.
Clinical anxiety is like taking a magnifying glass to normal feelings of stress or anxiety, to the point where these emotions are debilitating. Here are a few crucial signs of a clinical anxiety disorder:
- You lack the ability to control how you feel
- Symptoms surpass the proportional level of threat
- You experience anxiety after the situation has passed
- It affects your everyday life and decisions in a negative manner
These anxiety disorders must be diagnosed by a medical professional and can take many forms, such as general anxiety disorder, panic attacks, or social phobia. The fundamental idea is that, if you believe the anxiety is affecting your life, then it probably is. Once you understand what you are dealing with, it’s so important that you act to help yourself. The good news is that there are multiple treatment options for clinical anxiety.
You can try different forms of therapy, such as psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Cognitive behavioral therapy is designed to rework the neural connections in your brain by teaching yourself to change perceptions and the way you behave in response to those perceptions. Medications are another option to consider, because anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications may help relive some of your negative symptoms. If none of these work for you, speak with your doctor about ketamine infusions.
As one of the leading ketamine clinics in the U.S. we have seen ketamine infusions change the lives of so many people. Ketamine works by allowing your brain to form new, healthy neural connections while repairing the damage caused by long-term depression or anxiety. Ketamine is commonly used to treat disorders like chronic pain, treatment-resistant depression and clinical anxiety. Ketamine is 70% effective, works quickly to relieve symptoms, and generates lasting results.

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